Writing on a Budget: Freedom to Write

By Lisbeth Coiman

To dissent
to speak for those
Without a voice
Caged tortured
Bargaining chips
Of bipartisan and geopolitics

To stand up tall
A palm tree
Bending to the strong
Santa Ana winds
Racism intolerance bigotry

To raise my voice
Through the bars
Of my own prison
syllabi lesson plans
meetings and PDs
paying for the luxury
of writing while living in LA
eyes heavy on keyboard
adding pectin to this substance
a thick jam
Made of Priuses and Ferraris
Seasoned with jacaranda flowers
Slowing my pace
Through the traps
Abundant in this jungle
Mired in cyberspace’s
Slush of algorithms.

To speak for those
who can’t dissent
I must earn my own

The following publications are seeking work by emerging writers:

1. JuxtaProse
Word limit: 5 to 7000 words
Genre: Fiction
Deadline: Sept. 30, 2019
Submission Fee: $13-18
Submission Guidelines

2. Chronically Lit
Word limit: ?
Genre: Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, reviews
Deadline: First day of each month
Submission Fees: first 100 submissions free. Then tip jar.
Submission Guidelines

3. Orca. Cover Letter Contest
Word limit: Under 300 words
Genre: flash fiction, flash non-fiction
Deadline: Aug. 31, 2019
Submission Fees: $5
Price: 1st. $200, 2nd. $75, 3rd. $50
Submission Guidelines

Writer Lisbeth Coiman from the shoulders up, standing in front of a flower bush
Lisbeh Coiman is an emerging bilingual writer wandering standing at the intersection between immigration and mental health. Her work has been published in Entropy, Nailed, Rabid Oak, Hipmama and other online magazines, and several anthologies. Her self-published memoir, I Asked the Blue Heron, (2017) explores issues of child abuse, immigration, and mental health. She lives in Los Angeles, and teaches at Harbor Occupational Center.