Goals are important to us at Women Who Submit. At every submission party we begin by asking each person in attendance to state a goal for the day. We encourage members to think of these goals as practical, short term tasks that can be completed (or at least begun) within our three hour meet ups. It is our mission to get results and help women and nonbinary writers physically hit send at least once before they leave us at the end of the day.
For more on the power of writing affirmations, check out LiYun Alavarado’s essay “THE POWER OF THE POST-IT: WRITING MY LIFE INTO EXISTENCE“:
“my own experiences creating vision boards and posting advice and affirmations around my home, have made me a true believer in the power of the post-it, or, more accurately, the power of clearly articulated aspirations, affirmations, and images posted prominently in our living and working spaces. I’ve come to believe that these post-its, lists, candle affirmations, and vision boards can function as powerful aids in attaining our hearts’ deepest desires—as writers, artists, and even as human beings.”
In this spirit, we share 2017 writing goals from our WWS-LA members. Please feel free to comment below and share your own goals for the coming year.
Rachael Warecki – “Finish my novel revisions, submit to agents, apply to Bread Loaf, and apply to go back to Tin House.”
Rachel Reed – “Experience writing as *fun* again.”
Ashley Perez – “Finish first draft of novel, finish and publish an essay. Place my two stories somewhere and finish at least two more and get them into the submission rotation.”
Lauren Eggert-Crowe – “Put together an effin full length book!”
Kate Maruyama – “Get to a crappy draft of this novel that is so giant and crazy with time I’m not sure it will happen. But if I say it here, it might just đŸ˜‰ Get to more WWS meetings. Write at least one genre short story and submit more places. Throw my hat in the ring for a few more readings (been getting lazy on that front).”
Alana Saltz – “Get published in the New York Times.”
Karimah Tennyson-Marsh – “Finish revising my novel to submit it to agents, keep submitting a short story for publishing, and maybe start a new novel (or at least plan/outline).”
Kelly Shire – “Double down on submitting more. Write more essays for my memoir-in-essay collection. Decide whether that’s the best route for my story. Finally, get at least 1 acceptance from one of the top-tier places who wrote encouraging, personal rejections this year.”
Elline Lipkin – “Think through my poems to see if I really have a book or not. Find its theme, spirit, color. Submit more regularly!”
Tisha Reichle – “Revise. Then revise again. Read more!”
Barbara Berg – “Revise poems for possible chapbook and SUBMIT.”
Lisa Cheby – “Write and submit! (keeping it simple! LOL)”
Ramona Pilar – “Consistency in producing work!”
Alyss Dixson – “Finish. All. The. Drafts. Submit to agents. Deposit $3M for my efforts. Throw amazing party in Paris to celebrate. You’re all invited. đŸ™‚ ???”
DĂ©sirĂ©e Zamorano – “In my control: I’d like to write more essays this year–and work to get some of them published. I want to finish the revisions of this mystery novel I’m working on. Out of my control: I would love my agent to sell that family drama I sent off to her, as well as this mystery I’m finishing up.”
Xochitl-Julisa Bermejo – “Finish this latest draft of my novel, find an agent, write new poetry and start a new project, plan and complete a southwest tour for POSADA, and continue to apply for visiting faculty positions.”
LiYun Alvarado – “Late to chime in but I’m going to start “Low Stakes Daily Writing,” again. I’m also participating in the #52essays2017 challenge – though it might turn into a one essay a month vs a week challenge for me. Going through writing to find what I think is a new collection or two. Belated book party. And submit submit submit.”
Angela Waldrop Gilbert – “Finish my research and outline the novel I’ve been noodling on for the past year. Concentrate on submitting short stories and get my 2nd, or who knows maybe even 3rd published! Write two new stories as well. Figure out a schedule to balance this passion and my TV writing passion.”