Writing on a Budget: Risk Management for a Sabbatical Year

By Lisbeth Coiman

I have been thinking about an unpaid sabbatical to complete a couple of writing projects. I consider risk management is essential when thinking about leaving a fairly good job to pursue an artistic goal. As an emerging writer, I should meet the following benchmarks before taking a sabbatical year.

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Submitting on a Budget: Network

by Lisbeth Coiman

Where writing has become a self-employment enterprise, tracking expenses is vital for the emergent writer struggling to build her brand. Conferences, books, subscriptions, writing courses, memberships, tracking sites, and submission fees all add up quickly to a limited writing budget.

Arguably, artists can create great work without ever attending conferences, reading peers’ books, or participating in workshops, but writing great pieces is only one step in the process of getting published. Unless the emergent writer enjoys the benefit of a well-connected literary circle, a consistent flow of submissions to literary journals, contests, and online magazines is the only road to publication. Gaining access to information about submission calls takes up most of the money set aside to submit work. For that reason, submitting to publications on a regular basis on a shoestring requires a well thought submission plan.

Continue reading “Submitting on a Budget: Network”