April showers bring May flowers…and Women Who Submit publications! Congratulations to all the women who had work published this month.
From “Cliff Side” by Arielle Silver at Jet Fuel Review:
Echoed against the cliff walls of the ragged coastline, the bark of two elephant seals. Aaark, one calls, then moans like the creak of old redwood. Even through closed lids: the periwinkle grey of dawn. I open my eyes at the fifth cheer-up-up from a nameless bird in dialogue with its mate. A moment later, my husband opens his.
From Antonia Crane‘s “Three Financial Dominatrixes on How Their Clients Get Off From Simply Handing Over Cash” at MEL Magazine:
“…a man has to have a lot of power to squander it away on the findom playground: an appendage of BDSM that caters to educated, successful guys who yearn to be coerced into parting with their cash by a draconian mean-girl they will likely never have sex with or even meet in person. It’s an emotionally complicated erotic transaction with real financial consequences — a guilt hangover in the form of blood-curdling debt.”
From Muriel Leung‘s “This Is to Live Several Lives” at Nat. Brut:
Once, when I was very, very young
I studied the curious
lives of bees –
Congratulations to Muriel who was also accepted to the VONA/Voices Workshop! Continue reading “A WWS PUBLICATION ROUND UP FOR APRIL”