Breathe and Push: Finding Light in Stephon Clark’s Name

Black Lives Matter march, summer 2016

By Noriko Nakada

This week there is another name to say.

Stephon Clark.

When the news breaks, it’s not because of the shooting. Police shootings like this happen with frightening frequency. What makes the news is the outrage, the crowds of protesters gathering around the city, shutting down freeways and sports arenas. It is the people who refuse to accept this familiar outcome that makes headlines.

I hear only the basics: he was unarmed. He stood in his grandparents’ backyard. He was shot twenty times. Protesters are calling for accountability; for justice.

Then, I look away. How many of you have looked away? It is hard to watch. To keep watching. Continue reading “Breathe and Push: Finding Light in Stephon Clark’s Name”