This is No Joke: Humor Journals Worthy of Your Submissions

Writing Expenses Ledger

By Anita Gill

Recently, I came across Olga Kazan’s article from The Atlantic entitled “Plight of the Funny Female.” According to a mess of studies with smart people writing on notepads, women are not seen as funny.

Many women don’t consider themselves funny. Humor is for men. When going to a comedy club, you’ll see the mostly male line-up of comedians and one woman shoved in there so they seem inclusive.

Part of the problem is that men have made women think they aren’t funny. But according to Kazan’s article, men are more aggressive when it comes to being funny. They try and fail and try again. And with that, they have a higher success rate of scoring a laugh.

Gee, why does that sound familiar? Oh right! Because it’s the same thing men are doing in the publishing world.

As you probably already know, there are loads of literary journals available for your poetry, prose, and other creative media projects. But if you’re like me, and you occasionally write the snarky satiric piece, something that you feel deep down can’t be put out in the world, you may feel lost. It’s a bit more challenging to find a journal or website that showcases funny writing. The hits are old and contain several sites with broken links or closed journals.

It’s like nobody sees humor as quality writing here.

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