Happy 2017! The new year is off to an amazing start as we celebrate the following WWS members who had work published in January.

From Pamela K. Johnson‘s “We’re Out: Black Americans Leaving the Country Before Trump Takes Office” at NBC News:

As this administration draws to a close, Audrey Edwards is packing as fast as the Obamas.

By January 20, Inauguration Day, she’ll be nearly 6,000 miles away from Brooklyn not watching the festivities in Paris.

From Linda Ravenswood‘s “Poetry Is a Shapeshifter” at  Angels Flight Literary West:

Poetry must be a singer,
to remain relevant. Poetry must be liquid.
It must penetrate many crevices of society,
must present itself in many genres, and on many platforms,
must raise its head from traditional ideas, modes and venues,
must cling within the souls of the artists,
but race to merge with the souls of the People.
Poetry must be unafraid,
Poetry must sing.

From “How Memes Are Breaking Down Elitism in the Fine Art World,” by Katie Fustich at Salon:

Fine art is at a crossroads. For the past 10 years, museum attendance around the world has continued a steady decline. Indeed, the stuffy world of maze-like museums seems at odds with our digitized, 21st-century culture. The musty paintings of old masters feel entirely out of touch to a youth eager for sexuality, irony and diversity. What could “The Starry Night” possibly contribute to the life of a 21-year-old woman of color who is working as a hostess while finishing a computer science degree? It would look nice framed above her Ikea couch, but what else?

From Désirée Zamorano from “What Lies Ahead?” at Angels Flight Literary West:

That Tuesday morning I giddily tweeted, “Are the results in yet?”

I smiled knowingly to my colleagues who had worn pantsuits to celebrate our historic day. That afternoon I walked with a joyful lilt. I, perhaps like you, was so ready to say goodbye to the cheapened public discourse, to the vulgar and dismissive statements. I, perhaps like you, couldn’t wait to see that hollow narcissist smacked down and smashed.

This, as you know, was not to be.

From “Enough” by Alana Saltz at Angels Flight Literary West:

On the first day of Hanukkah, six weeks after Donald Trump was elected president, the rabbi of a Santa Monica congregation arrived at his synagogue to find feces smeared on a window near a menorah display.

When I read the news that morning about this sickening incident, which occurred less than 10 miles from my home, my first thought was, That’s horrible, but at least they didn’t shoot the place up or set off a bomb.

Also from Alana, “How the Virtual Disability March Gave Me a Voice” at the Huffington Post:

I knew early on that protesting in person wouldn’t be an option for me. Between having multiple chronic illnesses and an anxiety disorder worsened by crowds and tight spaces, I had to respect my limitations when it came to such huge and packed events. As much as I support and care about this cause and wanted to be there in person, I needed to do what was best for my physical and mental health. Thankfully, because of Disability March, I was still able to participate in this momentous occasion.

From Shawna Kenney‘s “I Rode in a Tesloop, But I’m Glad We Still Had a Driver” at Vice: Motherboard:

I booked two center seats for my husband and I and the next morning we awaited our ride at the Luxe City Center Hotel in downtown LA—one of the pickup spots listed on their website. When the black customized Model X with the company’s logo on the side pulled in, and its gull-wing doors popped open, I felt as if my Batmobile had arrived.

Congratulations to Deirdre Hennings whose memoir/performance piece, “Thanksgiving,” was performed at the Jewish Women’s Theatre.