May Submission Deadlines: 9 under $15

By Lisbeth Coiman

Here is our submission call list for May. Today I bring you five deadlines and five open calls all but one under $15. Polish your piece, submit, and track. Find support in your community to celebrate each other’s success, but make time to hold your writing buddies through rejections. Keep writing. Submit hard.

 1.Gloom Cupboard

Deadline: May 15, 2016

Submission Guidelines: 

Reading fee: $3

What they like:  They are “willing to work with authors on pieces that intrigue us but may yet be fully polished.”


2.Lit Fest Press

Deadline: May 20, 2016

Submission Guidelines:

Reading fee: $0

What They Like:  Discuss “why you write outside the lines, and why you write at all.”


3. The Baltimore Review

Deadline: May 31, 2016

Submission Guidelines:

Reading fee: $0

What They Like:  Up to three poems, one short-story, or a piece of non-fiction up to 5,000 words.


4. Minerva Rising Literary Journal

Deadline: June 1

Submission Guidelines:

Reading fee: $15

What They Like:  The theme is Fathers.

5. Gravel

Deadline: May 31

Submission Guidelines:

Reading fee: $0

What They Like:  Fiction and non-fiction up to 2,500. This is cute: “We cannot pay you, but if it makes you feel better, we’re not getting paid either.


6. Ploughshares Emerging Writer’s Contest

Deadline: Not listed

Submission Guidelines:

Reading fee: $24

What They Like:  They promote “up-and-coming writers.”


7. Monthly Fiction

Reading Period: From Jan. 1 to Dec. 31

Submission Guidelines:

Reading Fee: $0

What they Like:  They are looking for stories that can be broken into 30 strong segments. Mystery “seems to fit the format.”

Contact Info: Matt Hall


8. Qu Literary Magazine

Reading Period: Starts on May 15

Submission Guidelines:

Reading Fee: $0

What they like: They publish fiction, poetry, essays and script excerpts.

Contact info: Mesha Maren



Reading Period: Jan 1 to Dec 31

Submission Guidelines:

Reading Fees: $0

What they like: hybrid work and marginalized writers

Contact Info:


10. Contrapuntos

Reading Period: Ends Oct 15

Submission Guidelines:

Reading Fees: $0

What they Like: Foreign Languages

Contact info: Marcos Pico Rentería


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Lisbeth Coiman is a bilingual writer standing (unbalanced) on a blurred line between fiction and memoir. She has wandered the immigration path from Venezuela to Canada, to the US, and now lives in Oakland. Her upcoming memoir The Shattered Mirror celebrates friendship among women and draws attention on child abuse and mental illness. She also writes short fiction and poetry, and blogs “irregularly” at